A Center for Place-Based Learning
The East 40 gardens serve a variety of purposes, with an emphasis on:
Practicing environmental stewardship through natural growing practices
Providing learning opportunities for the NCC community in food education
Learning about the process of food production from planting to consumption
Getting to know your neighbors through cooperation
We support a student initiative, the Good Growers - this is an NCC club that offers opportunities to learn more about the gardening cycle and best practices. They meet at the East 40 on Thursdays from 11 a.m. - noon. Check our Instagram and Facebook for updates on our activities.
During the fall and spring, volunteers of all ages interested in helping with chores around our site are invited to come to the East 40 to work. Community service hours are available for those who want them. For the fall, volunteers can work from
11 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Tuesdays, and from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Thursdays. Watch our Instagram and Facebook for updates on our activities.
We offer community garden plots at no cost to participants; these are obligated for the 2024 growing season.
The East 40 acreage is a well-kept secret - out in plain sight, but many folks don't know we are here!
Our acreage is located to the east of the main parking lots at NCC's Green Pond campus. If you look carefully you'll see a small blue kiosk marker, to the east of parking lot B (here's a map that will help you - look for #7).
There are numerous walking trails and paths to explore, including our East 40 Poetry Walk. You can also enjoy the gardens, pollinators, and artwork around the site.
Read about a visit from some young Daisy Girl Scouts.
If you would like to schedule a group tour, or arrange for your class to use our space, contact Kelly Allen.
The East 40 is home to a robust art experience, primarily focused on our partnership with the NCC Art Department.
Monarchs, honeybees, hummingbirds and many other pollinators find a welcome home at the East 40.